reflections on daddy-hood and other random things

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

DeKalb County Efficiency at Work Once Again

Evidently someone at the library is trying to justify their position and prove relevancy. I received a "bill" from the Patron Services Department at the Dekalb Library Processing Center (who knew libraries were so complex?) stating that I owned $6 in overdue fines. Keep in mind that all books had been returned.

Just so you'll know, Mooncake got hidden under the couch and it took a while to uncover it.

The postage for this library bill cost $0.335. Adding printing, paper, and who knows what kind of salary/administrative overhead probably took the cost of generating and mailing this bill close to the amount I actually owe them.

Funny thing is, I can walk into a library and check out a book without paying this, yet they're spending money to try to collect it.

You'd think that I had checked out the Rosetta Stone and failed to return it or something.

If you're reading this elsewhere, this posting originated on my blog at

1 comment:

Kate Lee said...

They have that marvelous automated phone system to notify you when you ask for a book to be held for you ... wonder why they don't use it to remind you about due dates!

Or, gasp ... email!

Small investment, big cost-savings.