reflections on daddy-hood and other random things

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Awwwww Man: Dora strikes again!

In every episode of Dora the Explorer, there's a battle with Swiper, a swifty fox who loves to steal. By shouting, "Swiper, no swiping" three times, his ability to steal is squelched and he replies, "Awwww mannnnn" in a whiney little fox voice as he runs off the screen.

One day A. was, as usual, attempting to guard her coveted toys from her sister, E., who is deterred by nothing unless she spots an opportunity to eat. Allie stood in front of her toys and yelled, "Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!" with the sincere belief that this would prevent E. from getting her toys. How funny is that?

I'm sure E. was momentarily delayed and confused by this quick outburst, but I'm positive that she didn't reply, "Awwwww man!"

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