reflections on daddy-hood and other random things

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The crash heard around the subdivision

Crash. Right at the entrance to our subdivision. There goes Honda #1. Yep, it was totalled. Fortunately, very fortunately, no one was hurt. My wife and A., our oldest (2 1/2), were able to walk away completely unscathed. But cars these days... It doesn't take much, does it?

The adjuster didn't even finish calculating damages. He just stopped when he got so close to the value!

We were planning to get a new van this fall, but the accelerated schedule doesn't jive with the finances. So we're in the used market for a mini van. Probably pretty used. If you have any wisdom on what to consider and what definitely not to get, please share your comments. Or even share you satisfactions and disgruntled feelings for your own minivan.

With a little luck, we'll be able to get rid of that rental car payment soon and apply it to a more permanent solution!

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