reflections on daddy-hood and other random things

Friday, March 31, 2006

I am not alone

OK, sorry to harp on Dora the Explorer, but it is just so easy to do. Daddy Zine shares some of my feelings in one of his recent posts with a few added links of my own (just in case your vocabulary is equally as deficient as mine):

You haven't seen my glasses anywhere, have you?

There's some chance they spontaneously combusted when daughter L. asked me to read her new Dora the Explorer book for the fifth time. Were I to express my opinion fully on the matter of the Dora book there is some chance the Third Commandment [link mine, but you can probably guess which one] might come in for a little rough usage.

(As an aside, you'll note in the blurb for this moderately compendious [link mine] volume, "Dora and her best friend, Boots, go on more adventures than you can count." Which is sort of sad, because I just glanced at the book and it appears they go on seven adventures. Unless the publishers were not satisfied with having sapped my will to live and have also chosen to afflict me with dyscalculia [link mine].)

Daughter A. throughout a normal day emulates some trait of each of the characters found in Dora's stories (as previously described). Swiper, when he gets a chance to actually steal, will often throw the loot off a ways and say, "You'll never find it now!!"

A. loves to take her toys when about to be grabbed by younger daughter E. and throw them across the room.

"You'll never find them now," she exclaims to E.

"What's up with this chick," E. thinks to herself with a bewildered

I have a feeling that we're going to need to work on our choice of role models. Thanks, TiVO.

However, it's quite amusing to have a "bilingual" two-year-old with no effort on my own part.

"Let's go, Daddy. ¡Vamonos!"

Thank goodness I had that Spanish in high school or I'd be wondering what's going on.


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