reflections on daddy-hood and other random things

Thursday, March 09, 2006

It's a good morning day!

Being the one of the household that works outside of the home, I usually don't have the privilege of being at home when my daughters are waking up in the morning. Recently, I was lucky to be at home when A., 2 1/2, was waking up. Down the hall I heard this sing-song voice repeating something over and over.

I walk into A.'s room and she's looking from her bed out the window where the shade, usually pulled down at night, had been left up. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and light was streaming into the room.

"A., what are you saying?"

"It's a good morning day, Daddy! The sun is shining," she replied with a big smile and so matter-of-fact-ly.

Ah, so that's what she had been repeating. It's a good morning day.

Adulthood often seems to cause us to lose the abilities of discovering such joys in the simplicity of just plain old living. But A. is helping me to reclaim some of that which has slipped away.

Yes, A., it is a good morning day. And you are the sun that's shining.

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